2024 Award-Winning Digital Marketing Company!

Covid is Temporary, Business is Permanent

It’s been more difficult to create and promote new business during the Covid-19 pandemic because you can’t contact people in person. With fewer possibilities to meet clients and customers, you must concentrate on finding new ways to reach people in unique and consistent ways.

Business owners are increasingly relying on digital marketing to promote their products and services, but many have never learned how to optimize their online platforms.  It might be especially challenging to develop a digital marketing strategy to match the needs of your business during the pandemic if you don’t know where to begin.

People in the office working during pandemic with masks on Free Photo

Here are some suggestions to help your company communicate effectively online:

Optimize your digital footprint.

Your company’s online presence is known as its “digital footprint,” and it includes the places your company is mentioned or featured, such as your website, social media channels, and directory listings. To help people find your business, search algorithms look at all of these things, which is why you need to make sure they’re all claimed, optimized, and reflect the current situation of your business to communicate your brand messaging throughout this period.

Pro tip: Make a note of all the locations you and your company are currently listed on the internet and set a reminder to check/update them once every one to two months. Google yourself and your business in an “incognito window” to see where your consumers are finding you.

You can also aim to boost your exposure during this ongoing pandemic problem by practicing Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short. SEO is most effective when integrated with content marketing, the goal of which is to attract and maintain a certain audience by providing them with quality, informative information.

Maintain direct communication.

We saw a significant increase in businesses connecting directly with customers online during the pandemic. More firms are adopting email marketing, such as email blasts or basic direct email outreach, and there is a return to phone calls and direct mail.

Pro tip: Calling someone out of the blue during a pandemic and trying to sell them anything with no context around their current circumstances is cold calling, and no one likes it. Take the time to follow up and keep in touch, offering connections and resources wherever possible. Sales will happen.

Connect consistently with your customers.

Consistency is a struggle right now, but you must stay in touch with your existing and potential customers on a regular basis. There’s no way around it.

Some in-person networking gatherings went virtual for a while, then tried to meet in person again, chose to go back to virtual for safety reasons, and are now thinking about their future plans. During the chaos of the epidemic, it’s difficult to maintain consistency with individuals, but adopting constant digital contact with your current client base, key partners, and anyone else you’ve already associated with offers your brand a reputation for showing up.

Pro tip: Email to engage rather than sell. Constantly sending out emails with discounts and sales pitches can turn off your audience. Emailing with value-added material attracts attention.

Show empathy in your messaging.

In addition to consistent communication, your sympathetic side should shine through in your company’s messaging. You can’t stop selling — especially in the first three or four months after the Covid-19 outbreak struck — but it can be awkward to phone individuals and ask whether they want to buy right now. People are struggling to cope with the pandemic’s implications, therefore you must begin with empathy.

Inquire about how they are and sincerely listen to their response. Where are they having difficulty, and how have their challenges changed? Your messaging must demonstrate that you are in it together for the long haul, and your actions must support that.

Pro tip: Reach out to your current clients to see how they are doing and how you can assist them, even if it is beyond the area of your product and services. Take the time to assess whether your products and services need to adapt to fit current market demands, such as smaller bundles, shorter terms, or complimentary consultations.

People working in the office during pandemic with medical masks on Free Photo

Recognize what your customers expect.

In the age of digital marketing, your clients want to be able to find information about you quickly online. Is it still possible to do business with you? Do you have any particular working hours? What steps are you doing to protect yourself from COVID 19? Is there anything new or unique you’re doing to assist clients during this time?

People are likely to go on if you haven’t updated your website in weeks, haven’t commented on social media in weeks, or aren’t reachable via online chat or phone calls. Inconsistency breeds mistrust, and consumers need quick and obvious solutions. Make it simple for them to conduct business with you by being open and honest about your situation and how you can assist them in resolving their issues.

Pro tip: Answer frequently asked questions in a pinned post on your social media accounts, and offer estimates of your response times, especially if they are longer than usual. Respond to direct messages as soon as possible, even if it’s merely to acknowledge receipt and that you’ll get back to them.

Maintaining relationships requires understanding that your customers are also struggling and how crucial it is for you to show up for them. You can accomplish this in a variety of ways, including being present online, keeping your communication consistent, being direct, and displaying empathy.

Many of us are currently coping with pandemics, and your consumers have other concerns. It’s easier for everyone to find you and rely on you when they’re looking for the solution your product or service delivers if you optimize your digital marketing and make empathic, informative communication a daily practice.

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