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ChatGPT For Content and SEO: Yeah or Nah?

With the advancement of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained up a huge popularity. Many technological companies have come up with their own AI like ChatGPT, Snap AI etc. The world has started using such AI when they need to create content such as kids have started using AI to assist with their homework, Businesses have started creating attractive content with AI and currently these AI are very good at responding to any queries inputted by the users. It is fast and reliable which makes it even more useful. One of the most used AI is ChatGPT for creating attractive content. I have personally used ChatGPT in depth and realized that ChatGPT has lots of advantages but there are very severe disadvantages as well like content feels robotic in nature, ChatGPT provides information without facts and quotes. Many businessmen have asked Google whether they should stop with their content team and start using ChatGPT for content creation, so after a tidy research, we came up with pros and cons of the ChatGPT. This blog will provide you reasons and areas for using ChatGPT and reasons for not using ChatGPT for content creation.


Areas Where You Should Utilize ChatGPT 

ChatGPT when used properly for creating right SEO content have many advantages. Following are a few areas in which you can utilize this crazy AI tool and create your SEO content with minimal efforts and maximized outcomes. 

  1. When you are looking for high quality and short form content for captions on social media or for crisp and short product information for your business.
  2. When you need a perfect list of keywords which rank high for your content pieces.
  3. ChatGPT when used for the right content will save your team’s valuable time and leave your team with enough focus to work on strategic tasks which will help you boost up your business. 
  4. To streamline the process of content creation.
  1. When you need ideas and outlines for huge quantities of content.
  2. Get your content team to take ideas and content from ChatGPT but take its generated content and then read and rewrite as well as rephrase the entire content if you want more quality content with a huge quantity of content.
  3. For creating various content like Alt Texts, Footers, and Meta Tags. The only reason behind this recommendation is that the contents mentioned above are fairly straightforward and do not need a lot of effort.
  4. When you are looking for grammar correction, spelling error reduction, and improving the overall technical quality of the content.
  5. When you need language translation.
  6.  When you want your content to be reachable to a broader audience. 
  7.  When you need content formatting.
  8.  When you need personalization for generating customized emails and messages, leading to improved customer satisfaction and higher engagement. 

Tried ChatGPT and still couldn’t come up with a perfect content aligning with your business? Get in touch with the best digital marketing company in the USA, having a dedicated content team for getting exclusive content for boosting your overall SEO.

Reasons For Not Using ChatGPT For Content Creation

Following are top 8 reasons for not using ChatGPT:

  1. There is a big risk of content being duplicated from another source as ChatGPT is commonly used by many businesses. Relying on ChatGPT is not better than relying on a content writer who is aware about your business and its product and services. Using a content write will be more valuable as he/she can reflect the USPs of your business and will gain more authority over users and will influence more.
  2. ChatGPT uses well-crafted language which is very difficult to understand by a normal educated person. There is no originality and human empathy when compared with a human writer. Content writer can cater to audience emotionally and provide the information which they are exclusively searching for.
  3. There is a limitation of data in ChatGPT capabilities as it uses a database which only has a certain amount of information about one topic. By any chance, the topic you want to create has no information in ChatGPT’s database, then it won’t be able to generate your content.
  1. ChatGPT is unable to validate any facts and quotes listed on outsourced information.
  2. ChatGPT can be misleading with incorrect information. 

Hire AdsRole, the best digital marketing company for getting premium content written by SEO content experts.

  1. ChatGPT is also unable to provide any citations, links, quotes, and connections from outsourced data.
  2. ChatGPT does not have knowledge about your brand just like your content writers have, including your objectives, customer base, competitors, and target markets. Content generated by ChatGPT will be more generalized and less personalized.
  3. Creating SEO content needs more than just keywords. If the content produced by ChatGPT sounds like run-of-the-mill AI-generated material, it won’t stand a chance of ranking well in 2023. 
  4. ChatGPT can’t fully replace the work of content writers, it may ease and be fast but the right content which audience desires, the capability of content to influence the consumer thoughts can only be written by someone who feels the emotions. 

Prefer human written content over AI written content? Hire AdsRole, the best SEO company in Texas and Florida, USA which has also been recognized by institutions like Clutch, for getting premium content written for your products and services.

To summarize, ChatGPT is a very addictive and efficient AI tool and its uses have gone through the roof in the entire world. More than 80 percent of the business uses ChatGPT for content creation. Therefore, the content which is created might be the same content used somewhere else in this world which can later lead to huge losses. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages in using the content created by ChatGPT which I think you must understand very clearly. So keep the concerns mentioned above in your mind and just create a high quality content to improve your SEO which is the only effective way of boosting traffic to your website and increase your conversion rates as well as sales.

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